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New video graphics tutorial – Lens Flare

My other blog is currently undergoing redevelopment so I’ll post this here for now.

I downloaded Motion 5 a few months ago and one of the first projects I used it for required lens flare effects. Motion 5 only ships with a very simple, two-dimensional flare generator, so I had to find ways to make the desired effect myself.

I muddled through, learning Motion 5 as I went, and ended up with something half-decent, but it was an impractical way to achieve it so I set about finding a better way.

I banged my head against it for a couple of weeks and eventually, after several false but promising starts, I stumbled across Parameter Behaviours and unlocked the secret I’d been searching for.

I just uploaded a video tutorial explaining the building blocks of this method and hope it proves useful for others trying to solve the same problem.

Apple Motion 5 Lens Flare Effect Tutorial

Motion 5 Lens Flare Youtube Tutorial link

A new video – 3D Gimbal

I’ve uploaded a new video but it’s a slight departure from my oil painting videos.

Actually, it’s not much related to painting at all.

3D gimbal built and animated in Apple Motion 5Those who’ve known me for a while will be aware of my long interest in video graphics and animation. I’ve recently obtained a “new” (less-old) computer and purchased Apple Motion video effects software. So I’ve been doing some investigating and learning.

Today, I decided to see what I could do using some of its 3D capabilities. Although Motion 5 doesn’t natively support 3D objects (there are plug-ins, I believe), I did manage to make a gimbal using only Motion 5 tools.

Gimbals fascinate me as they spin in sometimes-unexpected ways, although the motion is uniform and each ring never actually changes direction or speed. This video does include a few camera moves in the second half, and this adds to the awkwardness of the motion.

It’s pretty geeky stuff, but take a look at my Youtube channel if you’re interested is that sort of thing.

3D gimbal in Apple Motion 5

Malcolm Turnbull – digital caricature

Here’s another one.

With his high forehead, sunken eyes, thin ears and flat profile, Turnbull looks like he’d be easy to caricature – but he’s not. I’m only a hobbyist so I don’t expect these things to be easy, but Google “Malcolm Turnbull caricature” and you won’t find many that hit the mark despite him being a very prominent politician for many years.

I did this one mostly from memory, after last night’s drawing, then watching him on TV today and checking out some photos to see what stood out.

So here he is, Malcom Turnbull, Australia’s fourth prime minister in less than three years…

Malcolm Turnbull
Original 1000x1000px
Digital Caricature
© Andy Dolphin

Australia’s new PM – Digital caricature

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a caricature (and it shows) – but events in Australia this evening meant I had to get the digital pen out again.

Malcolm Turnbull is latest Australian to take their turn at playing Prime Minister. At this rate, I’m sure we’ll all get a turn soon enough.

This is rough – can I use the excuse that I have “man flu” at the moment and I’m not braining very well? I would have loved to come up with a witty situation for the caricature but, well, “man flu”.

Malcolm Turnbull PM digital caricature 2015 by Andy DolphinMalcolm Turnbull
Original 1000x1000px
Digital Caricature
© Andy Dolphin