Things have been a bit quiet on the art front for me lately. I’m still without a practical painting space but progress on the studio is taking place – or at least, it was until I sliced the tip of my finger on some galvanised flashing (It’s pretty minor but I’m trying hard to keep it clean) and now we have some severe weather happening so progress has halted – again. On top of this, my real job as been hectic for quite a while (cue the violins!).
I’ve got a couple of workshops coming up very soon. Next weekend, Saturday August 6, I have another workshop with Gallery 500 at their Terra Verde Gallery in Albany. By popular demand, I’ll be revisiting seascapes in this one. The first three were great fun and the finished works were fantastic so I’m looking forward to seeing what we can produce this time.
The following week, Thursday August 10, I’m doing a workshop with the Albany Art Group and Vancouver Arts Centre.
Army Art is on again in Perth in a couple of weeks. I’ve entered two pieces and I’m hoping to travel up there and meet up with some of my old art friends.
This year’s exhibition will be held at Leeuwin Barracks, Riverside Road, East Fremantle on Saturday and Sunday, 12th & 13th of August. All exhibited work will be for sale and part proceeds will benefit The Fremantle Foundation.