I painted this little still life a couple of days ago.
The miniature Chinese-style vase was purchased two weeks ago at a local op-shop (thrift shop) and stands around 8cm tall. The flowers are synthetic and were picked up at a garage sale for two dollars.
I used a new full-spectrum, 6400K compact fluorescent bulb to light the set-up on this one. Full spectrum lamps give a much cooler, true-white light compared to other globes. It took a bit of searching to find a bulb but the local lighting shop tracked one down for me for $9, which is much cheaper than I’d seen quoted elsewhere for similar bulbs.
I used the same lamp to add extra light in the studio while photographing the painting and am very pleased with the result. I did hardly any adjusting in Photoshop at all this time. I’m going to look for a couple of lamp stands and get some more bulbs to make that process even better.
I did shoot some video of progress on this one. Hopefully it will be good enough to edit together and put on Youtube.
I completely forgot to mention that this weekend (Friday 7th & Saturday 8th March) is Wagin Woolorama weekend. I took out first prize last year and have entered three paintings again this year.
Fingers crossed.
If you are in the region on Saturday, or feel like a day out (it’s about two and a half hours from Perth), I might see you there. Just follow the map to Wagin then follow everyone else when you get there.
would this be it
oddly enough it says if Feb 14, yet some competition entries close in March
or did I read it wrong
would of gone just to show Barb the country side in Autumn except I think your sister is coming to visit
um so we are looking for vases and clocks now ?
i have some rocks if you want
I think you'll find Feb 14 was the date of the media release you linked to. Not sure why this is their front page.
No need to look for vases. I think I'll be up to my eyeballs in them before too long.
And yes for rocks, because we never see rocks in Mt Barker.
Turns out I've won three prizes at Woolorama. I'll report more about that when I have the photographic evidence to back it up.